Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What would happen if companies didn't make blonde hair coloring products anymore?

There'd be a heck of a lot more brunettes running around.What would happen if companies didn't make blonde hair coloring products anymore?
there would be more smart people in the world.What would happen if companies didn't make blonde hair coloring products anymore?
IQ levels would raise dramatically....lololol...j/k
hollywood would lose all its actresses
there would be no girls with pee yellow hair.
porn wouldnt be the same i guess.
A lot of blondes would be rioting in the streets!
A lot of people would have to go around with their natural hair color.
I would never leave the house again! No, seriously i wish that we could go back to the days before hair dye and makeup and revealing clothing. MUCH less pressure to look good! (also less time to get ready in the morning)
Most would go out of business.

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